Cascading Layouts:
A workshop on resilient CSS layouts
With Miriam Suzanne
About This Workshop
7th, 8th and 9th of April 2025
CSS layout techniques have come a long way since the early days of responsive design, but many websites are still using decade-old approaches that require more fragile code and more ongoing maintenance.
To get the full description and details, visit the OddBird Website.
Take your sites to the next level with this 3-session workshop on building more resilient and maintainable web layouts using modern CSS.
“Miriam is a fantastic speaker, with wonderful teaching skills, and highly praised by attendees of the conference and the workshop alike.”
—Vitaly Friedman, Founder at Smashing Magazine & Conference
Hear from Miriam herself!
Building maintainable CSS layouts with progressive enhancement
The built-in power of normal flow
Distributing space with flexbox and alignment
Dynamic layouts using grid and subgrid
More intrinsic and modular design with container queries
What Will You Learn?
Who’s This For?
This workshop is intended for designers & developers with at least a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. You don’t need to be an expert to keep up, but even the experts are likely to learn something new.
Miriam is a developer, teacher, and pioneer of modern CSS – an Invited Expert on the W3C CSS Working Group and core contributor to the Sass language. She created Susy for responsive layouts back in 2009, and recently co-wrote the CSS specifications for Container Queries, Cascade Layers, and Scope.
In addition to presenting talks & workshops at conferences around the world, Miriam is a former staff writer for CSS-Tricks, co-founder of the Mozilla Developer Channel, and co-author of SitePoint’s Jump Start Sass. She’s also a cross-media artist with extensive experience in theatre, writing, music, and visual art.
About Miriam
CodePen: MiriamSuzanne
GitHub: MiriSuzanne